C'est tout moche, mais c'est pas grave. Le beau site est par ici.


Quake3 WebRCON :
Web RCON interface

Pickup script :
Addme, IRC Pickup script for eggdrops

Levelshots :
Toutes les principales maps à Q3

Logos de boots Win2K :
Modifier le logo de démarrage sur Windows 2000

Bots en RA3 :
Comment jouer en RA3 contre Anarki et sa bande

Qoach :
Quake Coaching Tool, very kewl proggie :P

Numeris 128k :
Comment se connecter en 128k. A vous le ping.

Map ospdm1 :
Guide des tricks et jumps sur New Edge (ospdm1).

IRC News :
Super l33t script IRC qui lit les news et envoie des mails.

Bunny-Hopping :
Le guide pour les nuls.

d3xf1 :
Guide des trick-jumps sur cette map CPM.

Config Q3 :
Alias et .cfg pour Quake3, le guide.

Boot Logos :
Des images animées au boot de l'ordinateur.

Le Clanwar Script :
CGI (Perl) script pour rapports de matchs et stats.

La Mail FAQ :
Les questions les plus souvent reçues

Les commandes Q3A :
L'intégralité des commandes et variables, en français

Models Q3A :
Quelques models Q3A (au moins ceux que je trouve jolis)

Les power up dans Q3A :
Chaque map, chaque power up et son temps de respawn. Contrôle du quad !

Strange Util
Manuel du petit freeware magique pour intégrer des sons .MP3 dans vos démos

Circle Jump
Tourner pour sauter plus loin

Alias dans UT
Votre config au poil avec quelques alias, pour Unreal Tournament

Strafe Jump
La petite astuce pour aller beaucoup plus vite

Crate DM
Le jeu le plus addictif du moment après la Dame de Pique

Tout sur LE mod prévu pour les matchs de clans

Double Jump
Le double saut, ou comment tirer parti d'un bug de Quake2.

Q3A et internet :
Quelques trucs pour optimiser la connection

7md2q :
La map q2dm7 inversée (et quelques peu remaniée) par Cyco.

Aliases Q2 :
Alias et cfg, les secrets dévoilés. Un must.

Utilitaire pour souris PS2 donnant plus de fluidité

Movie :
Le premier film d'Ozh : le BoomBoom Tutorial

q2dmflags :
Freeware pour comprendre et utiliser le dmflags

Interview volée :
Immortal et Makaveli sur la tactique et le son dans la q2dm1.

Guide du débutant
Les baaaases : bots, multiplayer, connection sur internet, models.

Irc :
Guide du débutant pour trouver #sarl

Optimiser sa connection avec un petit modem

Thresh's config
Le fichier de config de Thresh, vous savez, le gars pas mauvais...

Programmation de Mod :
Description des .c et .h de la source

« Retour

Clanwars report with ease

This scripts allows easy updating of your web clanwars page.
Thanks to its forms, you can add a game, or modify an existing one.
You can display, using simple html templates, each match, or a quick summary of your results (maps won, points, etc...). Just have a look at our own match page as an example.

Demo forms : (not functionnal)
· main menu (logged as admin)
· modifying logins and passwords (logged as admin)
· adding or editing a match
· verification by the script of informations entered
· general setup menu (logged as admin)


What the script does :

When you add a game, the script displays a form you have to fill to add information.

Then, for each match it creates a txt file containing these info, in a "/stuff" directory, named something like yyyy-mm-dd_CLAN.txt (assuming you have only one clanwar with this clan this day)

Then, it produces two files : for example, result-short.htm and result-matches-1.htm
These two files can be included anywhere : both on your clanwars pages, and the summary on your front/news page.

Web pages where you want to include these files must be .shtml document.
To include a document, the syntax is :
<!--#include virtual="/virtual/path/file" -->
<!--#include file="/real/path/to/file" -->
For example :
<!--#include virtual="http://yourhost/yoursite/games/result-short.htm" -->
<!--#include file="/usr/local/hosted/yoursite/games/result-short.htm" -->

You can see by yourself what this script allows directly on my clan match page :
(any problem with this URL? try france.stomped.com instead)

Step by step installation :

1. Download the clanwarscript.zip (hu, done it yet ? :).

2. Modify the very first line of clanwars.pl, to replace #!/usr/bin/perl if necessary.
Ask your server admin if you don't know. This must be the very beginning, to blank space or line before !
If your web server doesn't bind .pl file to perl (wtf ?) feel free to rename the script (clanwars.cgi if you prefer)

Modify clanwars.var : change path to suit your needs. Other variables will be changed later, from within the cgi itself.

Now upload files to your webserver :

3. In your cgi-bin directory :
     clanwars.pl : the perl script itself.
           You may have to chmod 775 the script and its directory
     clanwars.var : variables.
           Chmod 777 this one.
     password.cgi : passwords file
           Chmod 777 this file.

4. In a non cgi directory : for example, http://yoursite/games/
     clanwars.shtml : an example for your clanwar web page. Customize it.
     redirect.shtml : an example for your redirect page (more or less useless btw). Customize it.

5. Then create 3 directories and chmod them 777. For example : icons, data and stuff.
     icons/ : put the gif icons
     data/ : will contain match files you'll write.
     stuff/ : templates and a text file. Read below for the templates customization.
           template-short.htm : template for short summary of all matches.
           template-match.htm : template for each match report.
           memberlist.txt : list of authorized reporters.

All these path and file names can be modified later via the script menus.

First run !

At this point, you can run the script.
Load it in your web browser (http://yourserver/cgi-bin/clanwars/clanwars.pl)

Default login and password are :
user/user for a standard user (add, edit, delete matches)
admin/admin for an admin user (modify templates, member list, preferences and path)

Log as an admin, then click "Modify Login" to change these passwords !!

Typically, user account infos should be given to all your clanmates, and admin account info to a few or no one else.
Heh, whatever, it's up to you =)

While you are at it, wander through menus to discover the script features.

Scoring Units :

You can (have to) select a 'scoring unit'.
When producing the overall summary, you don't want to add Flag Captures and Frags, don't you?
That's it.

Typically, and by default, there are two available scoring units : frags and flag captured.
You can modify them ('fr4gZ' and 'Fl4gZ' ?), or add new scoring units, depending for example on the mod you play (add 'Goals' if you play Demonic Soccer)

Categories :

If you don't want all your games to be on the same page, use categories.

If you have a 50 games and 350 Kb web page, it could be smart for example to categorise them by seasons : create categories 'year 1998', 'year 1999' and 'year 2000' for example.

Or you could also create categories with leagues : 'BigCTF season 1', 'BigCTF season 2', and 'DeathMatch Cup' for example.

When you create categories, several files, containing your match reports, are produced. Instead of just one result-matches-1.htm, you'll have result-matches-1.htm to result-matches-3.htm

In the admin menu, you can modify the name of produced file : use '%d' as a placeholder that will be replaced by the category number, starting from 1.

For example :
if you name it result-%d.htm, and use 3 categories 'CTF League', 'DM League' and 'Friendly', you will have three files produced : result-1.htm, result-2.htm and result-3.htm

if you name it result-%d.htm, and use no categories, you'll have only result-1.htm

Adding / deleting flag icons :

Simply add some more icons (use .GIF format) or delete the ones you don't wish to use.
The script will each time generate the list of possible countries to chose from, when you add or edit a match.

You could even turn this into a special feature, like for example an overall rating of your game, adding icons like 5stars.gif, 4stars.gif, 3stars.gif, ..., or excellent.gif, impressive.gif, lame.gif, ownage.gif, etc...
Hehe, if you do something funny like this, be sure to let me know :)

Customize the templates :

I *strongly* suggest you first run the script with the provided templates, so you will easily which part you want to modify.

Typically, you can have a clanwars page with both summary and detailed matchs, using template-short.htm and template-match.htm templates, and just the summary on your front/news page (using template-short.htm)

To modify templates, write normal html, with special keywords that will be replaced by the script. If you don't want to use a keyword, remove it from the template. If a keyword is mistyped or contains no info, it will add nothing to your page.

In template-match.htm :

$DATE : date of the clanmatch
$CLANTAG : Clan tag of your opponent, for example [Cx]
$CLANNAME : Name of your opponent, for example Cicatrix
$COUNTRY : Country of your opponent
$URL : your opponent's web site URL
$MOD : the mod played (Q3CTF, Q3TP, etc...)
$UNIT : the scoring unit used to count points in this game.
$CATEGORY : the category of this game (empty if you don't use categories)

$MAP : each map played
$OURSCORE : your score on each map
$THEIRSCORE : their score on each map
The hmtl code that should be repeated for each map has to be placed within $BEGINREPEAT and $ENDREPEAT

$OURTOTAL : your total score (sum of each map)
$THEIRTOTAL : their total score
$COMMENT : Your comment about the match.
$DEMOS : location of demos, if you feel like uploading some. (empty otherwise)
$UPDATER : Your name

In template-short.htm :

Here, what I call a "Match" is several "Maps" played in a row, against the same clan.
For example, a "Match" could be 3 "Maps".

$MATCHES : number of matches played, of which :
$WONMATCHES : number of matches you won
$LOSTMATCHES : you lost
$EVENMATCHES : tied (same number of points scored by each clan)

$MAPS maps : number of maps played, of which :
$WONMAPS : number of matches you won
$LOSTMAPS : you lost
$EVENMAPS : tied (same score at the timelimit for example)

Points scored in all maps :

$UNIT : scoring unit.
$OURTOTAL : by your clan
$THEIRTOTAL : by your opponents

Place these 3 keywords between $BEGINREPEAT and $ENDREPEAT so the html code will be duplicated for each scoring unit you have played with (if you added 'Goals' to the units list but didn't play any Demonic Soccer game yet, it won't be printed).

Contact, credit :

My name is Ozh, ozh@planetquake.com
You can find the script, and its templates, gif, and example files at :

If you use and like my script, drop me a mail to say thank you :) Feel free to recommend it to clans that got their butt kicked :)

Disclaimer :

I wrote this script for my clan web site. Since some people asked for it, I've released it (after some improvements of course :)

This readme file has been written in english which is not my mother tongue. Please excuse any weird sentence you may find :)

This script has been tested under Win98 using OmniHTTPd, WinNT using IIS, and Unix using Apache I guess it will work on any cgi enabled web server.
Use it at your own risk, if you mess something up, this won't be my concern :p
(no kidding here : this *won't be*)

"Man, where and how do I upload this script ?"
I assume you know how to install a cgi script, or have enough with this documentation (read on) If you don't, sorry, I can't help you.

"Can you add this or that feature ?"
Chances are no, but email me, who knows, if your idea is really interesting :)

"Man, why didn't you just use /{wtf}/\[^omg/\//;$_()]//hpb;/ instead of your lame foreach ?"
Hehe =) I started perl programming 6 weeks ago, so take it easy :) It works very fine this way, I think it might be prettier but I don't own *all* those awesome regexp yet =)
Plus, regexp are way slower than substr =)
