Q4max : la riposte 0.73

Dans la foulée d’xbm Q4max sort sa version 0.73 !

Elle aussi est faite pour la version 1.1 de Quake 4. Elle corrige des bugs et… rattrape à priori complètement le petit retard pris dernièrement sur son concurrent !

· Changelog 0.73
Version 0.73
ADD: Compatibility with q4 1.1, including all additional functionality from this release.
ADD: startfreeze callvote/mode option which freezes player movement during countdown for CA/CTFS
ADD: startrespawn callvote/mode option which forces players to respawn after countdown for CA/CTFS
ADD: countdown callvote/mode option which changes si_countdown
ADD: cg_ambientEffects 0/1 allows players to disable world effects
ADD: cg_deadBody 0/1 allows players to disable showing of dead player bodies before they respawn
ADD: XSL Templates which display match stats in a « pretty » format.
ADD: fs_xslTemplate cvar specifies the XSL template referenced in XML stats
ADD: 1.1 cvars pm_zoomedslow and g_simpleitems added to the competition menu
ADD: « follow » command. can supply either a playerId, or a powerup (« quad », « regen », « haste », « invis », « marineflag » or « stroggflag »), and you will spec this player.
ADD: enemyspec callvote/mode option which enables/disables the ability to spec enemies when you’re dead in CTFS / CA.
ADD: « timeout » command which is not restricted to refs. Limited number of timeouts (sv_maxTimeouts), and limited duration (sv_timeoutMaxLength).
ADD: When server uses si_allowhitscantint 3, the railtrails are tinted using cg_enemycolor / cg_teamcolor and not the default strogg / default marine colours.
CHG: q4maxXML renamed to MAXStats, and now can display data on both clients and servers, and provides detailed match breakdowns in addition to summary data on servers. See separate documentation.
CHG: Numerous icons made nomip
CHG: Made spectator text less obtrusive
CHG: g_simpleitems 1 now disables the « hologram » effect of item spawn markers
CHG: g_muzzleflash now also removes the actual firing flare
CHG: removed ui_model_backup, ui_model_strogg and ui_model_marine cvars
CHG: Spectator text tweaked to improve visuals during video broadcasts
FIX: (netcode) Reduced the amount of serverinfo data transmitted, thus reducing « SendReliableMessage overflow without allow overflow set » errors.
FIX: Spectators should now be able to rejoin the game in FFA
FIX: Duel no longer allows 3 players in the game if a player joins once the game has started
FIX: Player names/clantags with < > & ‘ or  » are now correctly escaped in XML output
FIX: Tourney mode now correctly creates multiple arenas again
FIX: Tourney mode now respects the overtime callvote correctly again
FIX: Tourney mode now populates scoreboard/hud correctly at start of the tourney.
FIX: force model will force the heads of models in all cases correctly now.

La guerre des MODs ne prendra donc certainement pas de tournant décisif avec la sortie du patch 1.1 :)

News du 28/03/2006 à 1:09 am par Jazka
News d'avant:
News d'après:

27 blablas

  1. 1
    Ahah comment il est trop laid zfred
    zfred le 28/03/2006 à 01:09


  2. 2
    Ahah comment il est trop laid parad0x
    parad0x le 28/03/2006 à 01:09


  3. 3
    Ahah comment il est trop laid FuOZiG
    FuOZiG le 28/03/2006 à 01:11

    tetris > q4max

  4. 4
    Ahah comment il est trop laid low!e
    low!e le 28/03/2006 à 01:17

    q4mx ftw !!

    Non c’était juste histoire de faire comme ceux qui font « xbm ftw »…

  5. 5
    Ahah comment il est trop laid Jazka
    Jazka le 28/03/2006 à 01:19

    bah perso je dis meilleur mod ftw

  6. 6
    Ahah comment il est trop laid zfred
    zfred le 28/03/2006 à 01:28

    on attend tous le comment d’astronaute qui va chier sur q4max avec impatience

  7. 7
    Ahah comment il est trop laid Vega
    Vega le 28/03/2006 à 01:30

    on est content d’avoir des mods compatible 1.1 sans avoir le patch :|

  8. 8
    Ahah comment il est trop laid so?
    so? le 28/03/2006 à 03:18

    Durée de vie: 5min :/

    (Major News: ESR)
    Posted by qmau @ 02:00 GMT, 28 Mar 2006

    you are all idiots. you are all confused by yourselves, for yourselves. id software would have you believe they care about your opinion, but they do not. they do not because they do not, they do not do for lack of evidence, because evidence is not required for a truth to be a truth. evidence is required only from those who wish to further delude themselves with their beliefs. i believe, i believe, i believe quake 4 will become a better game, because syncerror is on the job.

    the truth about syncerror is that he is a figurehead for id software. the ‘inside popularity’ of the company has been slipping as computer games become more and more popular. syncerror is a mechanism for the generation of capital, he is a cog in the wheel of materialistic monetary direction. id software upper management is already contemplating the release of syncerror.

    nobody cares about you as a person, or as a gamer. professional gaming is not a viable financial avenue. footballs come in different sizes, but not in different shapes. commercial video games will never be created for the simple sake of hardcore competition because they are commercial video games, and their nature is the rooted in the nature of commercialism. if you believe otherwise you have deluded yourself, or you are simply ignorant.

    your nationality is a factor in your ignorance and magnitude of delusion. your regional pride contributes to your inability to see clearly the truth of matters as they stand in life, and in the branches of life that absorb radiation emitted from other bodies in the universe influencing you into action. you are easily influenced because you are, but perhaps one day you will not be easily influenced because you will not. i am not swayed by the superfluous mask syncerror wears, nor by expectations others build from their own insecurites. i do not rely on the outside world for anything other than the sustenence of my existence. your opinions are your opinions, and whether or not they hold true you will stick to them simply because they are what you have.

    the universe is coincidental, as is your acceptance of coincidence. what do i hope to gain from this? nothing, because hope implies a wish for direction. the universe can be interpreted as an unintentional experiment, and as such should be viewed unbiased for best appreciation of results. but even with bias in perception the universe will not be untrue, perception will be untrue, and as such it is not my responsibility to maintain integrity, but only to seek out what it is i seek out until it has been seeked out and i have nothing more to seek out. this is one such item, congratulations for having been a part.

    oh, and syncerror? kdawg sends his love:

    ask syncerror if i can get a shell account to run my EGGIES on firestorm.idsoftware.com

  9. 9
    Ahah comment il est trop laid so?
    so? le 28/03/2006 à 03:18

    [17:27] * brandan (~brandan@ip70-178-193-28.ks.ks.cox.net) has joined #esreality

    [17:27] yo guyz

    [17:28] * clubf\SweepeR (~d00d@sweter.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Signed off)

    [17:28] when does the quake 4 coming out

    [17:28] why cant i logout

    [17:28] of my esr account

    [17:28] :P

    [17:28] * ref is now known as Ref

    [17:28] hey mojo

    [17:29] maybe it’s because you’re a worthless piece of shit

    [17:29] T_T

    [17:29] ^^

    [17:29] maybe

    [17:29] no

    [17:29] not maybe

    [17:29] you said maybe

    [17:29] stfu&gtfo

    [17:29] i changed my mind

    [17:29] * cky- (~a@cky-.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Ping timeout)

    [17:29] * seiM- (~u|seim@port-212-202-193-116.dynamic.qsc.de) Quit (Signed off)

    [17:29] k well i didnt

    [17:29] congratulations

    [17:29] faggot

    [17:29] ooh good one

    [17:29] good what

    [17:29] (01:26:10) (brandan) when does the quake 4 coming out <<< kinda ot already

    [17:29] sigh, brandan grow up or go away :/

    [17:29] eat shit morba

    [17:30] is that a ultimatum!!

    [17:30] out*

    [17:30] * Logic|InFeRn0^ is away (ME – OFF| BNC – ON)

    [17:30] * Morba sets mode: +b *!*@ip70-178-193-28.ks.ks.cox.net

    [17:30] * brandan was kicked by Morba (Nope – no wrong button 12‹4312›)

    [17:30] ty

    [17:30] * Logic|InFeRn0^ is now known as Logoff|woutoR

    [17:30] * UFF|Frag (wulf@UFF|Frag.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Signed off)

    [17:30] only a short log to be posted by brandan tonight then

    [17:31] * epiotic- (epi@Weepi|.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Quit: ear-cleanser)

    [17:31] k now

    [17:31] why cant i logout

    [17:31] :P

    [17:31] no idea :p

    [17:32] http://www.break.com/movies/primeminister.html

    [17:32] lmao?

    [17:32] :<<<<<<

    [17:33] cant logout either :<

    [17:33] why you want to log out?

    [17:33]  n00bs

    [17:34] so i can log into my managers acct and edit his newspost

    [17:34] or quite possibly delete it

    [17:34] :P

    [17:34] * tb0nE (~goofyu@ Quit (Signed off)

    [17:34] * FF|j0k3rA is away (http://www.FEARFACTORY.pl – I’m OFF)

    [17:34] haha

    [17:54] * Now talking in #esreality

    [17:54] * Topic is ‘ESReality.com :: There is no spoon, or patch’

    [17:54] * Set by TheRogue on Mon Mar 27 16:51:22

    [17:54] hey guyz i bypassed some company regulations to bring you this patch because i am a personal friend of yours

    [17:54] you are all children of the head and so it is easy for me to appeal to your good graces

    [17:54] * [CB]Spoonman is now known as [CB]Spoon|Away

    [17:54] * F1rMA` (~othfirma@trailblazer.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [17:54] i am much like a pedophile, in that i offer a digital candy to grab your attention

    [17:54] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [17:54] then i take your money, have sex with you, and leave you with nothing

    [17:54] in a field

    [17:55] No I really do think it makes you look like a moron. So keep it up. =)

    [17:55] because i am syncerror, the master of all id software public relations faggots

    [17:55] oh, i will keep it up

    [17:55] and do you know why?

    [17:55] because i can

    [17:55] and you’re a faggot

    [17:55] so i see no point in stopping

    [17:55] * Morba sets mode: +b *!*@

    [17:55] * brandan was kicked by Morba (Kick sponsored by nnscript.de 12‹4512›)

    [17:55] haha

    [17:55] lol will he ever learn

    [17:55] * SyncError chuckles.

    [17:55] brandan keeps owning himself

    [17:55] i don’t get how he has that much time to waste

    [17:56] he is beating off right now i bet


    [17:56] what time is in usa right now?

    [17:56] depends usa is abig place

    [17:56] * [R]KO (KO@Jen-.users.quakenet.org) has left #esreality

    [17:56] * BSF-crash|off (~crash@Vollversion.users.quakenet.org) has left #esreality

    [17:56] * BSF-crash|off (~crash@Vollversion.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [17:56] * troubl|ill is now known as troubl

    [17:56] 5pm-8pm i think

    [17:57] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Signed off)

    [17:57] * brandan_ (~brandan@trip.cc.gt.atl.ga.us) has joined #esreality

    [17:57] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [17:57] HEHE that tickles

    [17:57] hm

    [17:57] * brandan_ is now known as syncerr0r

    [17:58] sup guys the quake 4 patch is out and i helped make it happen

    [17:58] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

    [17:58] where?

    [17:58] ;P

    [17:58] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [17:58] in my ass

    [17:58] lol

    [17:58] * zev is now known as ZEV

    [17:58] :<

    [17:58] * Morba sets mode: +b *!*@trip.cc.gt.atl.ga.us

    [17:58] * syncerr0r was kicked by Morba (Absence makes the heart grow fonder 12‹4612›)

    [17:58] morba gets all the fun :<

    [17:58] its actually quite boring

    [17:59] i love it

    [17:59] <[R]dallow> lol

    [17:59] i spose if its the same old ppl day in day out

    [17:59] * `Lightning is away (Cya)

    [17:59] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Signed off)

    [17:59] why dont u let brandan type what he wants? this stuff is like sex for him..

    [17:59] * `Lightning is now known as NED|Light_off

    [17:59] <[R]dallow> haha

    [17:59] carmac needs to sort himself out and hand some +m out tbh

    [17:59] if this is like sex i feel abused :(

    [17:59] there will be a journal soon

    [17:59] ^_^

    [18:00] where is the love

    [18:00] * syncerr0r (~brandan@130.80-202-94.nextgentel.com) has joined #esreality

    [18:00] why aren’t you helping your friend kdawg`?

    [18:00] * BSF-crash|off is now known as BSF-crash|off`i

    [18:00] hey morba

    [18:00] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [18:00] you fat bastard

    [18:00] LOL

    [18:00] * kdawg` is now known as kdawg

    [18:00] why are you such a fat bastard

    [18:00] omg get a life ._.

    [18:00] oo actually

    [18:00] carmac needs to sort himself out and hand some +m out tbh

    [18:01] HEHE

    [18:01] ooh actually shut the fuck up morba

    [18:01] got to some usa ghetto and diss black gangstas brandan.. then u are my hero

    [18:01] go to

    [18:01] what about white gangstas

    [18:01] hi guys my name’s morba

    [18:01] hm

    [18:01] ok then come to me

    [18:01] #;P

    [18:01] i play the role of a diplomat because i don’t have a likeable personality

    [18:01] and i’m fat

    [18:01] i thought you were sync error

    [18:01] which makes me sad

    [18:01] now i am confused

    [18:01] i am syncerr0r

    [18:01] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Signed off)

    [18:01] and i’m tired of being stepped on

    [18:02] i work all day posting on forums

    [18:02] and making money

    [18:02] and for what

    [18:02] * Kylamiis (Kylamiis@Kylamiis.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [18:02] for you jerks to come in here and ask me questions?

    [18:02] I’M ONLY A MAN

    [18:02] * Mev (~martin.me@mev.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [18:02] no u spam on irc for no money.. thats the point ;P

    [18:02] there’s only so much typing and clicking post that i can take

    [18:02] sad

    [18:02] hahahah syncerr0r

    [18:02] just ignore syncerr0r (brandan) and kdawg

    [18:03] why don’t you just ignore yourself

    [18:03] * ovi is now known as OVI

    [18:03] hey guys

    [18:03] what means spoon in the topic?

    [18:03] i have a serious question, seriously

    [18:03] * [R]dallow is now known as [R]dallow`off

    [18:03] why is it that when i wake up i am always crying

    [18:03] because your name is brandan?

    [18:03] maybe ID shouldve hired brandan, he’d be perfect. Hes a no lifer who hangs around esr all day already, it’d be great service!

    [18:03] cuz u are virgin thats it brandan

    [18:03] incorrect

    [18:04] because my name is syncerror

    [18:04] [syncerr0r VERSION reply]: xchat 2.6.0 Linux 2.6.12-10-386 [i686/1.84GHz]

    [18:04] and i have a stupid, pointless job

    [18:04] that i’m going to lose because i make no difference and have no impact on the financial viability of the company i work for

    [18:04] u want this job too and thats why u flame?

    [18:04] i’m actually john carmack’s niece’s boyfriend

    [18:04] and i have to pay off my truck

    [18:04] pointless jobs owns, just sit around and make money :P

    [18:04] * Morbz (~morba@84-12-81-91.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) has joined #esreality

    [18:04] yeah

    [18:04] pointless jobs are great

    [18:04] :D

    [18:04] dakilla_: they flame because they are insecure morons

    [18:04] all that inflating the u.s. economy

    [18:05] that’s right khorney

    [18:05] i, syncerror, flame because i am an insecure moron

    [18:05] * Morbz (~morba@84-12-81-91.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk) Quit (Quit: 12( www.nnscript.de 12:: NoNameScript 3.81 12:: www.4XLhost.de 12))

    [18:05] who cares about the us economy? :|

    [18:05] didn’t know that kind of pathology

    [18:05] but thats quite boring

    [18:05] i’ve read something about german ra3 flamers on esr… they cant be that bad like brandan ;P

    [18:06] brandan is…special.

    [18:06] well, count on such brilliant pscyhologists as khorney to enlighten the irc masses

    [18:06] brandan is an idiot!

    [18:06] he makes fun of people

    [18:06] and that’s bAD

    [18:06] well unlike brandan they actually flame in communities they are a part of

    [18:06] i’m GOOD

    [18:06] i tell you about PATCHES

    [18:06] i’m syncerror, patch advertiser

    [18:06] brandan obviously cares nothing for esport, yet he’s on ESR constantly

    [18:06] no-lifer

    [18:06] yes that is correct

    [18:06] because he’s so damn insecure of himself he might feel a little better when he flames people

    [18:06] brandan has no life

    [18:07] show me a pic of u brandan ;P

    [18:07] he is on the internet all day and he has no life as well

    [18:07] theres alot of activity on esr in the forums, perfect place for a troll like brandan

    [18:07] yep arrows-UniCorN

    [18:07] whats your view on brandan syncerr0r? You reckon he looks in the mirror and is appalled at his sadistic ways?:)

    [18:07] it’s an enigma that he even has a pulse

    [18:07] yeah brandan

    [18:07] show me a pic of you too

    [18:07] yes, that’s exactly what i reckon

    [18:07] * srivel (~zxczc@srivel.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Read error: EOF from client)

    [18:08] i am a reckoner of great magnitude

    [18:08] i reckon

    [18:08] hey morba are you out of breath

    [18:08] did all that clicking ‘kick/ban’ make you tired

    [18:08] you monster

    [18:09] you disgusting fat monster

    [18:09] * nellie (nellie@Nellie1.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality

    [18:10] Sonnet > Bitter Sweet Symphony

    [18:10] * syncerr0r is now known as brandan

    [18:10] hey guys just kidding it’s me brandan

    [18:10] Morba @#fatz

  10. 10
    Ahah comment il est trop laid so?
    so? le 28/03/2006 à 03:19

    [18:10] * Dronni (dronar@nl102-233-199.student.uu.se) Quit (Signed off)

    [18:10] LOL

    [18:10] what a fatty

    [18:10] when he joins the channel the internet goes down

    [18:11] * caesar` (~jjcrane19@cpc1-leic4-0-0-cust604.leic.cable.ntl.com) Quit (Ping timeout)

    [18:11] morba is so fat that when he eats he eats a lot

    [18:11] because he is fat

    [18:11] have you guys seen him

    [18:11] http://www.morba.nildram.co.uk/me.jpg

    [18:11] look at his scrunhy face

    [18:11] the statue next to him is 6′ wide

    [18:12] * dape` (~dape@c-dbdae255.512-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) Quit (Signed off)

    [18:12] q4 2on2 now xb

    [18:12] you have the stature of a biscuit, morba

    [18:12] hey man

    [18:12] atleast he’s had contact with a grrl

    [18:12] u virgin :P

    [18:12] T_T

    [18:13] i dry humped my dog once

    [18:13] so stfu

    [18:13] hey syncerror

    [18:13] syncerror dude, i have a question

    [18:13] brandans back

    [18:13] when you’re discussing your salary with your manager, do you ask about vacation time

    [18:13] and when you go on vacation

    [18:13] * xou|away (youpi@xou|.users.quakenet.org) has left #esreality

    [18:13] do you just continue to stay at home

    [18:13] looking at the internet

    [18:14] thats a point

    [18:14] * renrut (idkfa@renrut.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Quit)

    [18:14] Morba looks like a bodybuilder tbh

    [18:14] :)

    [18:14] do you take time off from being liek this to people

    [18:14] http://www.morba.nildram.co.uk/wedding/3.JPG

    [18:14] yeah he does

    [18:14] T_T

    [18:14] or is it full time?

    [18:15] you sure know where all his pictures are

    [18:15] the sad thing here isn’t that id software believes the public is stupid enough to buy into you being a part of the community

    [18:15] but that the community actually buys into it!

    [18:15] yeah considering he made an esreality posts about his wedding!!!

    [18:15] yes khorney

    [18:15] to a GIRL

    [18:15] morba looks like a body builder

    [18:15] with all that muscle tone

    [18:15] meh

    [18:15] shame his wedding was 2 years ago

    [18:15] yeah

    [18:15] yet you still have the url remembered

    [18:15] you knew that off hand!!

    [18:16] stay on esr, at least you two are funny sometimes there

    [18:16] sounds kinda desperate to me

    [18:16] hey guys

    [18:16] omg lol no lifer!!

    [18:16] you into

    [18:16] seriously

    [18:16] big man

    [18:16] ?

    [18:16] seriously

    [18:16] * sevecen22m (~usykgb@14.Red-88-4-65.staticIP.rima-tde.net) has joined #esreality

    [18:16] NO LIFER 4 LIFE???

    [18:16] * pada (knro@Padawan-.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Signed off)

    [18:16] hey zealot

    [18:16] sup dewd

    [18:16] jk faggot

    [18:16] don’t talk to me

    [18:17] hey khorney

    [18:17] what’s up man

    [18:17] did you hear about morba and syncerror

    [18:17] yo guys

    [18:17] the 1.1 patch is out

    [18:17] http://www.jk.com LOL

    [18:17] man i sure am glad to be a part of the community

    [18:17] hehe

    [18:18] * sevecen22m (~usykgb@14.Red-88-4-65.staticIP.rima-tde.net) Quit (Signed off)

    [18:18] hey Khorney

    [18:18] i think you were write whut u said earlier :)

    [18:18] what’d he say i just have to know

    [18:18] HEHE i cant break our trust like that man

    [18:18] aw come on

    [18:19] well ok!!!

    [18:19] but dont tell no one

    [18:19] k??

    [18:19] i won’t make any promises

    [18:19] well in that case

    [18:19] i have a lot of close relations on the internet

    [18:19] khorney said ur a bad influence on me :[18:19] i think we should go to counseling

    [18:19] hey khorney do you agree????

    [18:19] i think you should just shut the hell up

    [18:19] and stop being such a pussy

    [18:19] hey thats mean

    [18:20] so?

    [18:20] SO STOP BEING MEAN

    [18:20] why don’t you just go to hell

    [18:20] * Morba sets mode: +b *!*@130.80-202-94.nextgentel.com

    [18:20] * brandan was kicked by Morba (A pity you have to leave so early 12‹4712›)

    [18:20] * Morba sets mode: +b *!*@it-hluchnik.de

    [18:20] * You were kicked by Morba (Testing… Worked. 12‹4812›)

    [18:20] * Attempting to rejoin channel #esreality

    Session Close: Mon Mar 27 18:20:16 2006
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Now talking on #esreality
    * Topic for #esreality is: ESReality.com :: There is no spoon, or patch
    * Topic for #esreality set by TheRogue at Mon Mar 27 15:51:22 2006
    Morba yep :]
    brandan yep what
    brandan yep you’re hungry
    hazz` AHAHAH
    * Morba sets mode +m #esreality
    brandan for more food?
    * #esreality :Cannot send to channel
    Morba arrows-UniCorN
    Morba no1 with +m here
    * You are now known as morba_is_a_fat_
    * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
    Not connected. Try /server []
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Disconnected ().
    * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
    * Now talking on #esreality
    * Topic for #esreality is: ESReality.com :: There is no spoon, or patch
    * Topic for #esreality set by TheRogue at Mon Mar 27 15:51:22 2006
    Khorney at least that way people can ignore and stuff
    * You are now known as morba_the_fatty
    WhiteyBrown theyre posts will have to be checked, which means being good for 10 posts:D
    * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).
    * Now talking on #esreality
    * Topic for #esreality is: ESReality.com :: There is no spoon, or patch
    * Topic for #esreality set by TheRogue at Mon Mar 27 15:51:22 2006
    * skint|zz has quit (Quit)
    * You are now known as fatty_morba
    * You are now known as eats_all_the_fo
    WhiteyBrown fo?
    * You are now known as eats_all_the_fo
    Morba does he think the proxy hes on makes a difference?
    WhiteyBrown :(
    WhiteyBrown dunno
    Morba would of thought he had more brains than that :/
    * You are now known as T_T_morba_fat
    emoface^ps doesn’t this douche bag have anything better to do?
    * You are now known as yes_but_so_fun
    Morba clearly not
    * You are now known as yes_but_so_fun
    emoface^ps doesn’t look too fun for me
    emoface^ps to me*
    hazz` hey emoface hows your gf
    emoface^ps a bit jet lagged
    hazz` how comes?
    * You are now known as fun_being_fatty
    emoface^ps she came back from france last night
    * nellie is now known as nll`bnc
    hazz` :o
    hazz` was she seeign her other boyfriend
    * You are now known as morba_sooo_fat
    emoface^ps nah
    emoface^ps went for some passport and id shit
    emoface^ps only for four days
    hazz` oh
    * You are now known as lol_fatty_morba
    * BSF-crash|off is now known as BSF-crash|off`a
    emoface^ps brb
    * xE-smith has quit (Signed off)
    * You are now known as fatty_heart_att
    * You are now known as fat_fat_morba
    * Redeye\off has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
    WhiteyBrown /ban auth authname <- bans via auth name
    arrows-UniCorN /mode #esreality +b *brandan*!*@*
    Khorney hmm
    * Levi\240 has quit (Ping timeout)
    * You are now known as fatty_alert
    * Gryphon has quit (Read error: EOF from client)
    * Levi\223^off has quit (Ping timeout)
    * You are now known as lookout4fattymo
    Khorney i find it funny that everytime someone has that australian guy, steve irwin (?) on a talkshow, they always talk like him in the end
    * emoface^out (~rocksk8er@emoface.users.quakenet.org) has joined #esreality
    * Levi\977`off has quit (Ping timeout)
    * You are now known as lookout4fattymo
    * You are now known as thanks4food
    * You are now known as thanks4food
    * You are now known as thanks4food
    Morba arrows-UniCorN
    Morba yeah, done that before
    Morba they then start changing it
    Khorney you might wanna + the new guys
    Morba so pointless tbh :/
    * You are now known as newguy
    Khorney except for brandan
    Khorney HOBviously
    * Morba gives voice to emoface^out
    drach some1 here that can tell me if teddy or swelt plan to release 1.1 versions of tmp maps ?
    * You are now known as fatty_police
    Khorney good night people (which exclused brandan)
    * You are now known as morba_you_are
    * You are now known as morba_you_are
    * Khorney has quit (Signed off)
    punee rofl
    * You are now known as morba_you_are
    * You are now known as under_arrest
    punee hah
    * kdawg (~leapyear@tor.cs.rice.edu) has joined #esreality
    * [Levi^215] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    * kdawg is now known as NINETY_TWO
    * Disconnected ().

  11. 11
    Ahah comment il est trop laid so?
    so? le 28/03/2006 à 03:21


  12. 12
    Ahah comment il est trop laid astronaute
    astronaute le 28/03/2006 à 03:21

    GG Q4max !!

    No sincèrement merci à q4max et à son équipe de dev, sans qui le mod xbattle ne serait peut être pas ce qu’il est aujourd’hui si q4max n’était pas la. D’ailleurs je pense que la seule et unique raison pour la quelle q4max existe encore est de pousser xbattle de plus en plus loin vers la perfection.

    Un grand merci !

    Je rend l’antenne à hemostick et autre q4max fanboys qui doivent trainer dans le coin à me surveiller et sans qui la fff ne serait peut être pas ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui aussi ^^

    La competition c’est très bien !!

    bisous :p

    (c’est ironique naturellement, je suis pour le meilleur mod depuis tjs, q4max 0.71 cétait mieux que xbm 0.12 et xbm 0.20 c’était mieux que q4max 0.72, pour la suite on verra)

  13. 13
    Ahah comment il est trop laid sansai
    sansai le 28/03/2006 à 03:25

    encore une bonne raison de penser que cette guerre des mods ne finira jamais et que ça va splitter indéfiniment la maigre communauté Q4.
    Quelle tristesse.

  14. 14
    Ahah comment il est trop laid sansai
    sansai le 28/03/2006 à 03:27

    [astor] q4max 0.71 cétait mieux que xbm 0.12



  15. 15
    Ahah comment il est trop laid so?
    so? le 28/03/2006 à 03:53

    Ca rox chez ESR a 4h du mat’


  16. 16
    Ahah comment il est trop laid so?
    so? le 28/03/2006 à 03:56

  17. 17
    Ahah comment il est trop laid astronaute
    astronaute le 28/03/2006 à 03:58

    http://www.idsoftware.com/downloads/shambler/idstuff/quake4/win32/Qu ake4_1_1_Patch.zip

    dommage vous pouvez meme pas me pluser ici :(

    un merci suffira de la part des insomniaks ^^

  18. 18
    Ahah comment il est trop laid hemostick
    hemostick le 28/03/2006 à 04:02

    que la « guerre » c’est un truc entre fanboys.

  19. 19
    Ahah comment il est trop laid astronaute
    astronaute le 28/03/2006 à 04:12

    le voila reveillé hemostick, a croire qu’il HL sur fff ^^

    hemo, serieux, je respect le travail de tout le monde, je ne crache pas sur q4max loin de moi cette idée.

    Je suis simplement pour le meilleur mod, il n’y a rien de mal dedans, là je dl 1.1, je teste tranquilement les 2 mods et peut etre je changerai de camp qui sait.

    Ceux qui ne changent jamais d’avis, il faut s’en mefier.

  20. 20
    Ahah comment il est trop laid hemostick
    hemostick le 28/03/2006 à 04:40

    je pensais en général… on lit de ces choses par d’autres gens des fois : suffit de lire les comments sur esr (là où franchement les comments sont les plus primaires) pour les releases de chacun des deux « camps » pour s’en rendre compte vite.

    D’ailleurs j’aime pas le concept de camp. Ca implique une opposition, que l’un est forcément l’ennemi de l’autre, et tout un tas de trucs de pensée binaire. Le tout souvent au prix de la partialité.

    Sinon, oui chuis up à cette heure, on a eu comme les autres teams le sdk et le patch en avance, donc naturellement on a merge pour une compatibilié plus complète. Et pis on a pas mal bricolé sur notre serv public en beta + .73.

  21. 21
    Ahah comment il est trop laid Jazka
    Jazka le 28/03/2006 à 08:59

    qq1 a compris kle prblm de so? ?

    Sinon colonne médiocre.

  22. 22
    Ahah comment il est trop laid arma
    arma le 28/03/2006 à 12:32

    je pense que so doit etre un jeune qui a été sexuellement abusé et qui est en souffrance.

    Aidez le, mais, surtout virez le d’ici :)

  23. 23
    Ahah comment il est trop laid Jazka
    Jazka le 28/03/2006 à 14:45

    Ouais il a été abusé par Tomboss c’est clair vu ses préoccupations, et puis il est de Lyon !

  24. 24
    Ahah comment il est trop laid laligatz
    laligatz le 28/03/2006 à 14:56

    Les posts trop long, je drop perso.

  25. 25
    Ahah comment il est trop laid C@stro
    C@stro le 28/03/2006 à 17:16

    je pense que so doit etre un jeune qui a été sexuellement abusé et qui est en souffrance.


    Sinon j’espere que q4max va defoncer xbm de merde :)

  26. 26
    Ahah comment il est trop laid Xx0!i
    Xx0!i le 28/03/2006 à 18:52

    Chaque version de q4max le même bug ( que tu dois corriger manuellement ).
    le pm_speed.

    Ptin les mecs sont pas foutus de le corriger version après version ça fait peur.

  27. 27
    Ahah comment il est trop laid 0ZiRiS
    0ZiRiS le 28/03/2006 à 20:30

    Dropage aussi sur la column enfin sur les Logs/irc_
    Quoi qu’il en soit j’ai meme pas le courage de foutre le nez dans ma cfg q4 tellement ya de changements…
    Je pense que je vais attendre que jazka fasse tout le boulot…

    Bisous je vais installer la 1.1__