On: 2007/05/12
Shorter URL for this page: http://ozh.in/ks

Managing a large list of feed for aggregation (using for example planet as I do for Planet WordPress) can become a tedious task when, periodically, you want to review every feed and check their existence and freshness, and you have more than 80 feeds to verify.

Tedious ? No more !

Introducing the Ajax Feed Checker

Ajax Feed Checker

This script conveniently checks as many feeds as you want, and for each one gives a small report that will help you, at a glance, determining if the feed is still there and still fresh :

  • HTTP response : Found, Not Found (error 404), Forbidden (error 403) …
  • Feed format : is it XML or not ?
  • Feed freshness : how many days ago was the latest item written ?


The Ajax Feed Checker has the following features and abilities :

  • Uses Ajax : checking 100 or 1000 feeds within one page is not a problem, each feed report is displayed once your server has checked it, no matter how slowly it was fetched. Plus, you'll love all the spinning "loading…" icons :)
  • Supports redirection : multiple redirections (for instance, http://planetozh.com/feed/http://planetozh.com/blog/feed/http://feeds.feedburner.com/planetozh) won't break it, and the script will eventually find the final location
  • Versatile : point the feed to, or paste into its input form, a raw list of links, a planet config.ini file, or anything actually containing links, and you're ready
  • Compatible : the Ajax Feed Checker should do OK with most if not all feed, and understands RSS and ATOM

Ajax Feed Checker Demo

You want to play a bit with a live demo ? Sure ! The Ajax Feed Checker demo is waiting for you. Play with it, enter your own feed URL, enter fake URLs to see how it will handle errors. The demo is limited to 2 URLs, but once you get your own version of the script there will be no such limitation.


Download the zip archive, unzip it in a freshly created directory, and point your browser to it.
Get it while it's hot : ajax-feed-checker.zip

Shorter URL

Want to share or tweet this page? Please use this short URL: http://ozh.in/ks


This page "Planet RSS & XML Ajax Feed Checker" was posted on 12/05/2007 at 9:39 pm
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6 Blablas

  1. […] Planet RSS & XML Ajax Feed Checker checks as many feeds as you want, and for each one gives a small report that will help you, at a glance, determining if the feed is still there and still fresh. […]

  2. […] Planet RSS & XML Ajax Feed Checker chequea tantos feeds como quieras y te da un pequeño reporte por cada uno, que te ayudará, de un […]

  3. […] some month ago to learn a bit of Ajax, and two hours later I was happy with my brand new and shiny Ajax Multi Feed Checker! The thing is really a must-have for anyone aggregating more than a couple dozens of […]

  4. amp says:

    And what about it performance and limits? How much urls can I test at once?

  5. Ozh says:

    amp » Virtually as many as you want. Each check is done via an ajax call, one by one. The real limit is the size of the HTML page is you have a gazillion URLs to test.

  6. amp says:

    Ok! I'll look it more closely soon and comment my thought about this in detail.

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