C'est tout moche, mais c'est pas grave. Le beau site est par ici.


Quake3 WebRCON :
Web RCON interface

Pickup script :
Addme, IRC Pickup script for eggdrops

Levelshots :
Toutes les principales maps à Q3

Logos de boots Win2K :
Modifier le logo de démarrage sur Windows 2000

Bots en RA3 :
Comment jouer en RA3 contre Anarki et sa bande

Qoach :
Quake Coaching Tool, very kewl proggie :P

Numeris 128k :
Comment se connecter en 128k. A vous le ping.

Map ospdm1 :
Guide des tricks et jumps sur New Edge (ospdm1).

IRC News :
Super l33t script IRC qui lit les news et envoie des mails.

Bunny-Hopping :
Le guide pour les nuls.

d3xf1 :
Guide des trick-jumps sur cette map CPM.

Config Q3 :
Alias et .cfg pour Quake3, le guide.

Boot Logos :
Des images animées au boot de l'ordinateur.

Le Clanwar Script :
CGI (Perl) script pour rapports de matchs et stats.

La Mail FAQ :
Les questions les plus souvent reçues

Les commandes Q3A :
L'intégralité des commandes et variables, en français

Models Q3A :
Quelques models Q3A (au moins ceux que je trouve jolis)

Les power up dans Q3A :
Chaque map, chaque power up et son temps de respawn. Contrôle du quad !

Strange Util
Manuel du petit freeware magique pour intégrer des sons .MP3 dans vos démos

Circle Jump
Tourner pour sauter plus loin

Alias dans UT
Votre config au poil avec quelques alias, pour Unreal Tournament

Strafe Jump
La petite astuce pour aller beaucoup plus vite

Crate DM
Le jeu le plus addictif du moment après la Dame de Pique

Tout sur LE mod prévu pour les matchs de clans

Double Jump
Le double saut, ou comment tirer parti d'un bug de Quake2.

Q3A et internet :
Quelques trucs pour optimiser la connection

7md2q :
La map q2dm7 inversée (et quelques peu remaniée) par Cyco.

Aliases Q2 :
Alias et cfg, les secrets dévoilés. Un must.

Utilitaire pour souris PS2 donnant plus de fluidité

Movie :
Le premier film d'Ozh : le BoomBoom Tutorial

q2dmflags :
Freeware pour comprendre et utiliser le dmflags

Interview volée :
Immortal et Makaveli sur la tactique et le son dans la q2dm1.

Guide du débutant
Les baaaases : bots, multiplayer, connection sur internet, models.

Irc :
Guide du débutant pour trouver #sarl

Optimiser sa connection avec un petit modem

Thresh's config
Le fichier de config de Thresh, vous savez, le gars pas mauvais...

Programmation de Mod :
Description des .c et .h de la source

« Retour

Map : Up, Close and Personnal (d3xf1)


I particularly liked Up, Close and Personnal, a CPM map by Druzli. It's full of fun tricks everywhere. Here are all the tricks I could think about, I hope you'll like this map as much as I do :)
If you find another cool trick jump, be sure to send a word.

Colors :
normal jump
air control

Did you say "jump" ?

Lower YA

Different fun jumps near the lower YA :
double-jump from the second small stairs to go to the YA, or to the ledges around it.
From there, a normal jump with air control is possible.
Note you can also cross the gap with a regular strafe-jump


Other YA and fun

Upper YA

The other YA is another fun playground :
From the middle platform across the map, double-jump on the small brush with a cross on it to get up to the YA.
From the ledge beneath the YA, you have no less than 3 possible jumps to fly away :
Go along the wall and double-jump onto the small brush, or even double-jump to the middle platform (harder). Finally, a regular and easier couple of strafe-jumps will give you enough speed.


From YA to YA

Upper YA to Lower YA

This move is easy and very usefull : steal the 2 YAs in less than a second.

From the upper YA, jump normally down to the middle ledge. From there, head to the lower YA, don't jump but simply strafe in the air.

Lower YA to Upper YA

On the other hand, this move is almost impossible. I actually did it once, out of around 80 tries...

From the Lower YA, rocket-jump to the other YA. If you're really lucky, you can manage to land on the small brush from where a double-jump will take you where wished.


Around the MH

Around the Mega Health

From the Super Shotgun corner, a normal jump is enough to get on top of the LG ammo wall. This is interesting since from there a strafe-jump takes you right to the lower RL

You can also rocket-jump directly to the upper YA from down here.


The lower RL is yours

Get this lower RL

Note there is no need for a trick jump : a normal jump is enough (similar to the MH jump in q3dm13, the best com_maxfps seems to be 75)

You also have several double-jumps to chose from : on the small step, on the middle one (quick access coming from the 50H), or even on the big step, which is easier (head to the left of the RL).

Finally, a strafe-jump is enough to cross the map, particularly useful in the MH -> SSG -> LG Ammo -> RL path.


Don't you camp above the teleport !

Above the Mega Health

Down from the MH, you can rocket-jump directly to the upper YA.

From here, you can strafe-jump on top of the teleport. Just to yell "surprise !!" when your opponents comes out from the teleport :)


Quick access from the tele

Down at the 50H

Down here feet in the fog, a normal jump is ok to get the 50H (note the small step)

If you double-jump inside the teleport, you'll find yourself landing right at the 50H. Real quick and easy.


Quite useless tricks

A double-jump down the stairs takes you up at the LG ammo

From the upper YA, jump normally to the small ledge around the map. Not really usefull unless you are looking for a fun camping place.


Thanks to Kessen and Kerb who have been playing and jumping with me while discovering tricks :)