C'est tout moche, mais c'est pas grave. Le beau site est par ici.


Das Keyboard
Review d'un clavier trop l33t, par Ozh

SQF Awards 2004
Qui qu'a le Trophée, par vous tous

Année 2003
La review qui reviewse tout, par Ozh.

QuakeCon 2003
3. Interview de aAa*Raoul

QuakeCon 2003
2. Interview de [4K^blunt]

QuakeCon 2003
1. Interview de GzD.Derfel

Année 2002
Le résumé qui résume tout.

RnF : historique
Le clan RnF, sa vie, son oeuvre. Par Waldar et Wiwitop

Doom3 Alpha
Preview du côté des coulisses. Par Ozh

Q3LFR Saison 5
Preview et interviews. Par Ozh

Le cl_maxpackets
Ca fait lagguer ou pas ? Par Twouan

RTCW multiplayer test review
La preview de la revanche du test du jeu. Par BB2K

Q3LFR Saison 3
Les matchs CTF de la SARL en division 1

Review Team Arena
La review de l'addon le moins attendu du moment

PMQ Betting guide
Interviews of people owning the PMQ :)

Gamers Assembly 2
Le rapport du LAN, par Ozh

Qpong review
La review de Qpong Arena, par BB2k

L'affaire DansLeQFR
Interview de 2 anonymes parodieurs et agitateurs

Jouabilité, Moralité
Etes-vous un saint ou un déchet ?

Rocket Arena 3
Preview de l'interface client, par Ozh

Lan Arena 4
Court, synthétique mais parlant... par FX

Interview : Lakerman
Lakerman, grand favori à quelques jours du LA4

Interview : Blokey
Blokey, star anglaise, à la veille du LA4

Le Lan Arena 3
Ozh raconte sa vie et son passage au LA3

Le Shownomercy 3, lan SARL, par Shod et Shrine

3M PMS et Attack Pad
Comparatif des 2 meilleurs tapis de souris, par Ozh

Cabanalooza 99
Lan chez les [PEN] vu par @BB2k-

Balance of Power
Revue du mod BOP par FX

Revue du mod Countdown par FX

Lan Arena 2
Rapport du lan, par @BB2k-

id Software, la fin du mythe ?
Quelques pensées de Shod au moment de la sortie de Q3Test

L'opinion de Bazuzeus

Q3Test bug report
Bugs et souhaits envoyés a id Software par Ozh

« Retour

Euro's to Quakecon CTF 2003 :
GzD.Derfel's interview


Dallas, 2003 : 4 european teams are qualified to compete with yet unchallenged North American teams.


Part one : Derfel's views, from clan GzD.

Ozh: First of all, congratulation about your qualification. Tell us a bit about the qualifier : wasn't it a bit fun to play with 100 ping, like back to old 56K days ? :) Did you prepare for such game conditions ?
Derfel: It was fun owning american pickups and thats how we prepared. My game isn't very aim-based though so it wasn't hard for me to ajust to the ping :)

Ozh: In unofficial seedings, GzD is not very highly rated in euro's opinion, how do you explain this ? Lack of fame ? Not as impressive demos from qualifier as you would have liked ?
Derfel: I presume you mean the US don't rate us high? Well i don't mind being underestimated by US teams and unofficial seeders :) I just hope we are seeded a bit better in the actual tourney so we don't have to play euro vs euro too early

Ozh: Being used to 5v5, what do you think about 4v4 american style ? (more or less tactical ? speed ? fun ? ffa ? teamplay ? ...)
Derfel: I think 4v4 is good for some maps, theres more space so once you get the flag out of base it's usually easier to cap, so speed caps are much easier :) I think we can bring some euro tactics into the 4v4 area and hopefully exploit certain weaknesses in USA tactics, undoubtably they will be the more experienced though :)

Ozh: Do you think euro teams, and in particular your team, will have a handicap from not being used to 4v4 ? Do you think NA teams will have a big tactical advantage ? What are your plans about this ? (lan training, online trainings with US teams .. ?)
Derfel: I think the euro teams will be well prepared practising each other. Maybe a bit of trouble ajusting to playing USA clans but hopefully the first games at QCON won't be vs the very best USA teams so will be a good test to prepare for tougher games (all depends on seeds though)

Ozh: Do you know any of the NA teams qualified ? Do you fear some ?
Derfel: I watched most of the games, cloud9 seem the best. 519 could be hard to break down with their TDM skillz and most teams have a very good flagrunner or 2. I hope we can handle them though

Ozh: What is your opinion about the current trashtalking "na > euro" or "euro pwnz NA" on various community sites ? :)
Derfel: Well I think euro is > USA but i'm not going to go around bitching about it. The lan tournament will show whos right :)

Ozh: Last one : how is your financial situation regarding this trip ? Did you find any sponsors ? Is money a problem ? What is today the probability for you actually going to Dallas ?
Derfel: We are currently talking with a sponsor who may pay for 50% (we can afford rest) please everyone at FFF keep fingers crossed! probabilty can't be far off 50/50 I guess

Ozh: Thank you for your time, and GL in Dallas :)



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